And just "who" are these 'International Banking Money Masters' that you are going to hear about and see on the short video below? They are the JEWS who created the 'FED' ... the private JEW owned Central Banking Corporation of the U.S., which is not part of the U.S. Treasury. It is these JEWS who have gutted out financially the U.S. since 1913. The same race of JEWS who whine and cry that the world owes them everything, yet they are the destroyers.
These JEWS are relatives to the same JEWS that YAHWEH in The Flesh told you about in St. John chapter 8, verses 31, 44, and 47. Enjoy, it's always nice for those who have been stolen from, to find out who the liars and thieves really are.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom, D. Litt.